January 2019 E-newsletter
Happy New Year John:
We pray that 2019 is the best year ever for you. One thing that is for
certain, we are one year closer to our Lord's soon return!! This month has
a very exciting story, please enjoy it. We pray that you are encouraged and
committed to the calling that the Lord has placed upon each and every one
of us.
Partners in Mission - Stories of how God's work is flourishing in the
Georgia-Cumberland Conference
James "Eddie" Adams began carrying a Bible part way through his career as
an over-the-road trucker. There was a lot of downtime and he needed to fill
the void as his truck was getting loaded for the next run.
Eddie had been a Christian for some time, but was still searching so he
began earnestly reading his Bible cover to cover. As Eddie "dug in", he
became convicted of the seventh day Sabbath message. Why was his local
church not following the Bible's clear proclamation on the seventh day
Sabbath being the day of worship? Eddie was not one to be a benchwarmer so
one blustering Sunday morning, as head deacon he patrolled his way up front
to make an announcement declaring the seventh day as Sabbath of the Lord
Jesus Christ and the Bible. Not once, but several times he charismatically
gave tribute to his calling only to be rejected and finally was asked to
step down from his position.
During this time Eddie met a husband and wife truck driving team who also
believed in the seventh day Sabbath. They were members of the Seventh-day
Adventist church and prayerfully encouraged him to start attending. Shortly
after this chance meeting, Eddie needed to fuel up his truck and stopped at
a large fuel center. While filling his tank, another truck pulled in beside
him and a burly man lumbered out of the cab, smiled and started conversing
with Eddie about a little lady named Ellen White. Within minutes Eddie knew
that the Lord was speaking to him. He soon became convinced that the
Adventist message was the truth, and began attending the Augusta, GA, First
Seventh-day Adventist church where the local congregation embraced him. A
bit later, his daughter was welcomed in with open arms and was baptized as
well. Currently Eddie's son has been attending and is considering
We may never know when our words or actions may direct someone to one of
our local churches. These houses of worship are critical in the last days.
Thank you for your part in His plan for humanity. Thank you to the
truck-driving ministry couple years ago, and to that lone man who professed
his faith as he stepped out of his rig. Thank you to the Augusta, GA, First
Seventh-day Adventist church for embracing James "Eddie" Adams as a brother
in Christ that first Sabbath and thereafter. Finally, thank you Eddie for
your selfless ministry to your family/friends and those who become friends
when your arm reaches out to hand them a bulletin Sabbath mornings.
Our churches and a welcoming congregation are vital to God's work in these
last days. What if no one had generously supported God's work and there was
no church in Augusta when Eddie was searching? Thank God for those who help
our mission go strong!!
No other Adventist ministry does as much to reach people with the Gospel and the Adventist Hope, or use as many outreach and evangelistic methods in this region as YOU and your conference.