Our Vision, Mission and Reminder
The mission of Grateful Living / PGTS is to encourage and assist constituent members of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference in making present gifts, legacy gifts and endowment gifts that support the mission and ministry of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
We fulfill this mission through:
- Stewardship teaching
- Estate planning
- Seeking to accommodate the donative desires of our members.
- Media promotion of the GCC mission
- Personal finance training and coaching
- INTEGRITY: We will act with integrity in all our actions, contacts with constituent clients and each other.
- OPENESS: We are committed learning from others and to consider any method available to fulfill this mission.
- CREATIVITY: We continuously stress creativity by our team while remaining true to our mission.
- EFFECTIVENESS: We will question any practice and procedure for effectiveness and relevancy to mission and embrace new practices that better support mission.
- COLLABORATION: We welcome collaboration with all other ministries and departments of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference.